6 Things Infertility Patients Can Do During Quarantine

Everyone’s lives are being affected by the new state of the world, and plans are being put on hold. We’re all in this together, but that doesn’t make it any easier for those struggling with fertility challenges to accept. You have already waited for a baby, maybe for years. Now, more unknowns. It just isn’t fair.
This uncertain time will pass by no matter how we spend it. And while this is a serious crisis and there is plenty you are likely worried about, it’s ok to find some moments of joy. Below are a few suggestions on how to keep busy and ease your mind during quarantine. Many of these are natural stress relievers, and stress reduction can benefit fertility!
Get crafty and make a difference by joining the Free Sewing Open Source Project People across the country are sewing cloth face masks for hospital workers due to the critical shortage of N95 face masks and other certified personal protective equipment, or PPE. While they don’t protect workers to the same degree as N95 masks, handmade ones can come close if made properly and with the right fabrics. Call your local hospital to arrange for delivery of the masks. You can also make extra for yourself and your family to use when you have to go out.
For more info and patterns:
Help Solve the Mask Shortage
Mask Patterns and Info
Cook healthy, fertility-boosting meals in bulk and freeze them so you can cut down on grocery store runs.
Get some fresh air and sunshine daily. Walk or exercise outside in the yard while practicing social distancing.
Job hunt for a job with IVF coverage if your current one doesn’t offer it. Here is a list of employers that may offer infertility coverage under the New York State IVF insurance mandate.
Sleep more if that’s what your body needs. Read about how keeping a regular sleep schedule can have a positive impact on your fertility.
Do free yoga and mediations. Our partner Lisa Pineda offers complimentary access to several of her online yoga and meditation classes on YouTube. You can also find Lisa’s mindfulness and meditation sessions through the Insight Timer app and on Instagram.
We’re thinking of all of you during these uncertain times. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office if you need anything or have any questions. We look forward to seeing you again soon!