
RMA of New York is recognized as a global leader in providing the highest-quality, most advanced in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology available today. RMA of New York is at the forefront of groundbreaking research in infertility and reproductive medicine, and is committed to advancing science for the treatment of infertility.

At the Forefront of Groundbreaking Research

  • Studies


    Participating in this study empowers our physicians and clinical care providers to gain insight into habits and lifestyle changes that can improve fertility/ an individual’s ability to achieve fertility.

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  • Manuscripts


    Explore the findings of studies from RMA of New York’s world-renowned physicians and specialists.

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  • Published Works

    Published Works

    RMA of NY physicians are consistently featured as thought leaders, providing knowledge and expertise regarding groundbreaking studies.

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National Recognition for RMA of New York

RMA of New York has achieved national recognition for clinical excellence and advanced research in the field of reproductive medicine. The physicians, nurses, embryologists, and research professionals have published hundreds of scientific journals, clinical abstracts and peer-reviewed articles, and have received awards from Patient Advocacy Organizations, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Ivy League Institutions, and several of the top medical schools in the country. They are actively involved in numerous clinical studies and FDA trials, and have partnered with some of the world’s most advanced IVF technology innovators to vastly improve treatment for the millions of individuals currently facing infertility.

Alan B. Copperman, MD

Managing Director & CEO of RMA of New York

“The reproductive journey is different now than it was 20 years ago, 10 years ago, and will be months from now. By analyzing big data, accessing machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, focusing on genomic and personalized medicine, and ultimately relying on compassionate and consistent clinical care, physicians can improve reproductive outcomes for their patients. We are proud to contribute to science, and look forward to participating in the advancement of the field of reproductive medicine for years to come."

Alan B. Copperman, MD

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It’s never too early to learn about your fertility and reproductive options.

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Patient-centric reproductive medicine is our specialty, and we look forward to answering any questions you may have.

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